"There is a bridge there so we don't fall in the water," he says...
What is your bridge?
As usual, I pull my inspiration from simple things, words, sentences, and my son. Today's profound statement came from my little one. As he shared those words about the bridge with me, I immediately thought, yes that is exactly why we have a bridge. If there were no bridges, we would always fall. We would always get wet. We would never get over. We would never cross to the other side. We would only fall in the water and get wet or hurt.
What is your bridge?
I know that my bridge is often my words. I can express myself and get it all out and feel relieved. Writing gets me through the day. It gets me over without getting wet, without get hurt. It gets me over to the other side. Sometimes it is just want I need. Sometimes it's not. Sometimes, I would rather not cross the bridge. Why? I don't know. I know that in order to get where I'm going, I must cross a bridge. If it's not the bridge I want to cross, I still have to cross one.
What is your bridge?
What do you hold in your life that gets you over? What do you cross that protects you from getting wet or hurt along the way? You must hold something. You must hold something to get you over without getting wet, without getting hurt. If you don't, no wonder you are struggling with that thing - you haven't crossed the bridge and got over to the other side.
What is your bridge?
Find it.
Name it.
Pave it.
Cross it.
Take care of it.
Cross it.
Cross it.
Cross it.
Cross it as often as you need to protect you from falling, getting wet, and getting hurt.
There is a bridge there so that we don't fall in the water.
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