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Sunday, March 17, 2013


"I am just sitting here listening - waiting to see what is going to happen next. I mean every time we have someone over, you end up sleeping with them."

Those were the words from a wife to a husband. As I sat there, hands wet from barbecue, and these are the words shared with me. Wow! I was speechless. As it was an old friend, I did interject with disappointment. Followed by that was an assurance that this visitor was not going to be caught in this love triangle.

Caught in the middle of a domestic dispute was not how I planned my Saturday night. All is well, the three of us had some great conversation. After all, we all have something - alcoholism, incarceration, anxiety, depression, shopping. We all have some issue about ourselves that makes us flawed.

The issue isn't the flaw. The issue is - Are you willing to work on correcting that flaw? Followed by correcting one flaw, it is possible that another flaw will show up and show out. Even considering that, we should work on flaws and not work on adding more flaws.

In its rocky state, this couple's marriage seems to have some flaws. Working on it they have, but each time there is some flaw that still appears. My prayers are with them. At the end of the night, it was a pleasure talking with them. Glad to make it clear that while we all have flaws to work on, I will not be one of those flaws in their marriage that they need to work on. 

What are your flaws, imperfections? Work on them, don't add to them!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Responsibility. Accountability.

Responsibility, the quality of being or state of being responsible. Moral Accountability.
Accountability, the willingness to accept responsibility.

My son sometimes requests for his daddy. "I wish my daddy was here," he says. Little does he know, just a couple of months ago his daddy felt it was his responsibility to call and tell me that I didn't have to worry about hearing from him again.

My story is not unique. I am not alone. I know that. I am a product of  fallen and unbalanced society. A society that values little of family and more of foolishness.  A society that lacks the understanding of accountability and responsibility. A society that is unnatural. One where parents are raising children alone - mothers and fathers. As I live it daily, I know that it is not natural.  I am forever responsible and accountable for my son, my love.

I play so many roles in one day - in one hour sometimes. It's growing me tired - weary. Each day I don't know how I make it, but I make it.  
Again, not unique.
Not different. 
I am just one - one single mother with one child. 
My plight may be little to some.

I weep for my son as due to one person's lack of responsibility and accountability, he will never know what it is like to have a man's foot steps to follow. I don't speak pessimistic thoughts, but I speak truth. I speak what has been presented to me. I am now responsible and accountable for making sure that my son understands the importance of being responsible and accountable for every action that is placed before him.

What is your moral responsibility? 
Is it to your parents? 
Is it to your child?
 Is it your community?
We are all accountable for something. 
Whatever it is, make it your responsibility to nurture it.