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Monday, January 9, 2012


Essence - the individual, real, or ultimate nature of a thing, especially as opposed to its existence; the inward nature; the most significant element quality, or aspect of a thing or person.

The essence of love is just the mere presence of love.
The essence of love is unselfishness
The essence of love is knowing just when to say when it's time to end a love.

The essence of life is living it.
The essence of life is the smile that is sometimes masked by the pain and struggles of life.

The essence of friendship is unselfishness as friendship should equate with love.

Having read a recent publication of Essence magazine, it was captivating how the essence of life was depicted by several women featured. The stories of these women moved me as I found myself within their stories. Their stories truly depicted the essence of life. As we live our lives we will often have obstacles, but there is always a way through them. There is so much beauty in knowing that. There is so much beauty in the constant realization of that. The essence of life, how beautiful.

Love. Love. The essence of love is just to have had it at some point. The essence of love is that it's complex. The essence of love is that where is no way around falling in love, but there is a way not to let love make you fall. Some things must come to an end...even in love.


The fundamental nature of something
The most distinctive element of a thing
Intrinsic feature

Find the essence in everyday things and you are sure to find a daily smile.

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